Castile Soap: The Best Beauty Alternative
Most of the beauty and bath products that we use are made from animal-fat derived soaps. MapleX Naturals brings to you a more natural option. Enter Castile soap – a non-toxic, vegetable based soap that is an amazing all-purpose alternative to lather up with in the bath: as a hand wash, shampoo, and a regular body wash.
There are 2 types of Soaps in general; Tallow – derived from animal fat and Castile Soap – which is derived from vegetable oils, contains no additional chemicals. Castile Soap was traditionally made from an olive oil base and dates back to more than 500 years. Castile Soaps nowadays are made with coconut oil, olive oil and hemp oils with avocado oil recently being added to some castile soap mixes.
How does Castile soap work?
When water and soap come together – free-floating charged atoms are created that attract and encapsulate dirt and other non-water-soluble molecules such as grease and oil. This specific ability is what makes castile soap such an amazing alternative to all other liquid body wash products.
How to use Castile soap?
Typical Castile soaps available in the market might need to be diluted or neutralized. But with the MapleX Naturals’ range of Castile Soap Liquid Body Washes – you can use them as is. What’s more is that all our products are infused with Canadian Maple syrup to add that additional zing. Just take the soap as is and feel your skin rejuvenated.
What is the cost of Castile Soaps?
Buying online is the best option. The MapleX Naturals products are formulated with naturally derived vegetable oils: nature’s gift for nourishing skincare as part of our good-for-your-skin ingredient initiatives. Our products are available on Amazon and Walmart.
Never tested on animals, we are a cruelty-free company making a conscious choice about how we formulate our products and what goes into them. Go ahead place your orders today!